Life Skills Management
This program focuses on participants who need help managing life and finding a purpose in life, as well as find balance in managing life, family, friends and peers.
If the participant is ready to work, we are here to assist! Not only we will guide the participant to find what sort of employment suits them, we will work on applying for jobs, assistance with job interviews as well as focus on work-life balance with a purpose in life.
Start Your Business
Whether the participant is willing to start a new business as a small sole trader or something that can possibly grow and scale, our Life and Business Coaches will help along the way, including: branding, business name and strategy, point into the right direction for marketing, financial management and whatever the business may need.
- We are NOT an employment agency, however we do help NDIS participants find employment for the long haul and continue working with them through life changes
- We are NOT a quick fix. Whoever works with us, we suggest that they work for the long-haul to achieve goals
- Before we begin working with a participant, we arrange an obligation free and cost free time to get to know each person’s needs and ensure that we are the best people to support them.
Support Coordination & Psychosocial Recovery Coach
“A support coordinator will work with you to ensure a mix of supports are used to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks, live more independently and be included in your community”. NDIS.gov.au
Once you have obtained your NDIS plan, managing the supports and services you are now able to access can feel daunting.
At IGY6, our Support Co-ordinators and Psychosocial Recovery Coaches can assist you understand how your plan works and how to maximise your funding to support you in reaching your goals.
Support Co-ordination empowers people living with disability to:- Locate the right disability service providers based on your needs
- Co-ordinate home support, ad hoc support, funded support and community activities.
- Understand what funding is available to you and how to access it
- Prepare and analyse your NDIS plan
- Provide information about what support services you qualify for
- Help you select community activities you are interested in such as dancing, movies, sports and many more.
Enquire about Support Co-ordination
Our highly skilled Support Co-ordinators are experts in all aspects of the NDIS. They can advise what funded supports are available to you and how you can access them. They will listen to you. They will help you better understand your plan, the participant portal and support categories.
Our Support Coordinators can assist you to increase your independence and build capacity for the future, explain what options are available from providers in your area and answer any questions you might have. IGY6 Support Co-ordinators will respect your choices and work with you to ensure your NDIS plan supports your goals. -
IGY6 provides Counselling to increase your independence and overcome challenges.
Most people will experience some sort of mental health challenge through their lives. IGY6 has been focusing on assisting people with mental health issues for several years.
The support of our peers can always help, however talking to a professional can be more effective due to no judgement and focus on the individual.
IGY6 can help you if you feel overwhelmed, confused, or not knowing what to do next. Counselling can assist you to make sense of these feelings and thoughts and get you back on track.
NDIS counselling is a therapeutic service delivered by accredited professionals. At IGY6, our counsellors create a safe space for you to unpack and clarify the things you feel are holding you back or causing emotional distress. We offer focused time for you to explore options, develop strategies to overcome barriers and sort through conflict. We will assist you to process your experiences and create new perspectives.
Our NDIS Counselling
- No judgement
- Reflection
- Focus
- Self-esteem
- Confidential
- Nurturing
- Independence
Benefits of Counselling:
- Sets direction
- Helps self-awareness
- Relieves emotional distress
- Improves social skills and communication
- Focuses on self-confidence
- Keeps you motivated
- Gets you moving forward
- Improves quality of life
- Improves relationships
- Guides to your achieve your full potential
- Assists with decision-making
Line items
For NDIS participants looking to improve their mindset whether they are looking for employment for the first time, already employed, wanting to start a business or wanting to improve their confidence in their current workplace, I've Got Your Six can help.
Life Coaching - Core Supports or Capacity Building
- 01_134_0117_8_1 Self-Management Capacity Building
- 04_801_0133_5_1 Supports in Employment - Weekday Daytime
- 09_006_0106_6_3 Life Transition Planning Incl. Mentoring Peer-Support & Individual Skills Development
- 09_008_0116_6_3 Innovative Community Participation
- 09_009_0117_6_3 Skills Development & Training
- 09_011_0125_6_3 Community Participation Activities
- 10_011_0128_5_3 Employment Related Assessment & Counselling
- 10_016_0102_5_3 Employment Support
- 10_021_0102_5_3 School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)
- 11_024_0117_7_3 Individual Social Skills Development
- 13_030_0102_4_3 Transition through School and to Further Education
- 15_035_0106_1_3 Assistance With Decision Making Daily Planning and Budgeting.
- 15_037_0117_1_3 Individual Skill Development &Training Including Public Transport Training
Life Coaching for Carers and Parents
- 15_038_0117_1_3 Training For Carers/Parents
- 15_043_0128_1_3 Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Counsellor
Steps to Apply to the NDIS
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 1
- Check your eligibility
- Australian citizen, under 65 years old, living in Australia
- Proven permanent disability
- Evidence of disability
Step 2
- Provide letter from specialist stating a PERMANENT DISABILITY that affects the person’s personal life and ability to work (unless a child)
- Provide evidence of every single treatment done for the disability
- Sign NDIS’s 3rd party consent form emailed to you upon request)
Step 3
- IGY6 will fill out the NDIS request form on your behalf and submit it to the NDIA as long as all evidence has been provided
- The NDIS authorisation letter will be added to the submission form.
- The NDIA may call you for verbal confirmation
- Wait to hear back from the NDIA
- As soon as you hear back from the NDIA (approximately 4-6 weeks after submission of application), please send approval or rejection letter to ndis@igy6.com.au or call 03 7018 2300 and speak to the IGY6 team
- In case of rejection, IGY6 will assist you in acquiring further evidence. This can happen from time to time, therefore that is why it is important to ensure that you provide as much evidence as possible. You will have up to 3 months to re-apply.
Step 4
- Get ready for your planning meeting
- In the case that you are accepted, the NDIS will organise a planning meeting with you.
- IGY6 will need to know when your planning meeting will be.
- We will have a pre-planning meeting with you, so we can advocate on your behalf and you will know what to expect when questions are asked.
- The IGY6 team will support you along the way and assist you to navigate the NDIS in an easy to understand way. We will explain to you what you are entitled to and put all services in place.
Contact us as soon as you hear back from the NDIA.
Applying to access the NDIS
Am I eligible?
How to apply to the NDIS
Providing evidence of your disability
Access Request – Supporting Evidence Form
What are NDIS reasonable and necessary supports?
NDIS and other government services
Health Professional’s guide to the NDIS
Disability Advocacy Network Australian (DANA)
DANA is a network of organisations throughout Australia that undertakes or provides individual
advocacy, systemic advocacy, self advocacy, citizen advocacy, legal advocacy or family advocacy.
It supports and strengthens independent disability advocacy organisations in their work of
advocating for and with people with disability so that they are valued and included members of the
community, their fundamental needs are met and their human rights respected.
Find a full list of Victorian Advocacy Organisations here www.dana.org.au/victoria/
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Their role is to
implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for
hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families
and carers.
Visit the NDIA website here www.ndis.gov.au
Local Area Coordinators (LAC)
The role of the Local Area Coordinator (LAC) is to assist people to navigate the NDIS. They can
help with planning and coordination for people with disability to maximise the choice and control
over the services they use. This includes supporting people with disability to navigate mainstream
services and increase their capability to be an active part of their community.
The ECEI and LAC partner for the Bayside and Mornington Peninsula region is the Brotherhood of St Laurence and you can find a complete list of office locations by visiting their website www.ndis.bsl.org.au
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission is an independent statutory body with responsibilities under three laws: The Equal Opportunity Act, The Racial and Religious Tolerance Act and The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.
Services provided by the Commission include:
Visit their website here www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au
Disability Services Commissioner
The Disability Services Commissioner (DSC) is an independent oversight body resolving complaints and promoting the right of people with a disability to be free from abuse.
Visit their website here www.odsc.vic.gov.au
Office of the Public Advocate
the Victorian Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) has promoted the rights, interests and dignity of people with disability (specifically intellectual impairment, mental illness, brain injury, physical disability or dementia) living in Victoria.
Visit their website here www.publicadvocate.vic.gov.au
Victorian Ombudsman
The Ombudsman is accountable to Parliament, rather than the government of the day. The Ombudsman investigates complaints about the administrative actions and decisions taken by government departments and agencies and about the conduct or behaviour of their staff.
For more information visit www.ombudsman.vic.gov.au
Office of the Public Advocate (Victoria) Guide to the NDIS
The aim of this guide is to outline when decision-making support, advocacy and substitute decision-making will be needed for potential and current NDIS participants who have significant cognitive disability. It does this in the context of each possible decision-making stage within the NDIS participant pathway.
Download the guide OPA_Guide to NDIS decision-making_WEB
If clients require an Interpreter or Auslan assistance we can facilitate this on request. You can also find more information on the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters website here www.naati.com.au
Advocacy is speaking, acting or writing with minimal conflict of interest on behalf of the interests of a disadvantaged person or group, in order to promote, protect and defend the welfare of and justice for either the person or group.
Approaches to disability advocacy can be categorised into six broad models:
- Citizen advocacy: matches people with disability with volunteers.
- Family advocacy: helps parents and family members advocate on behalf of the person with disability for a particular issue.
- Individual advocacy: upholds the rights of individual people with disability by working on discrimination, abuse and neglect.
- Legal advocacy: upholds the rights and interests of individual people with disability by
addressing the legal aspects of discrimination, abuse and neglect. - Self advocacy: supports people with disability to advocate for themselves, or as a group.
- Systemic advocacy: seeks to remove barriers and address discrimination to ensure the rights
of people with disability.
Following is a list of Victorian Advocacy Organisations:
- Action for More Independence and Dignity in Accommodation
- Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities Inc
- Association for Children with a Disability (VIC) Inc
- Association of Employees with Disability Inc (AED Legal)
- Barwon Disability Resource Council Inc (Assert 4 All)
- Blind Citizens Australia
- Citizen Advocacy Sunbury & Districts Inc
- Colac Otway Region Advocacy Service
- Communication Rights Australia
- Disability Advocacy & Information Service
- Disability Justice Advocacy
- Disability Resources Centre Inc
- Gippsland Disability Advocacy Inc
- Grampians Disability Advocacy Association
- Leadership Plus
- Melbourne East Disability Advocacy
- North – East Citizen Advocacy
- Rights Information and Advocacy Centre Inc
- Southern Disability Advocacy
- Southwest Advocacy Association
- Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability Inc. (VALID Inc.)
- Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council
- Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service
- Youth Disability Advocacy Service

What is considered a disability by the NDIA?
- To be eligible for NDIS funding, the disease or medical condition must cause permanent impairment (physical, intellectual, cognitive, neurological, visual, hearing or psychosocial), resulting in significant disability.
- Your disability is caused by an impairment. Your impairment is likely to be permanent. Your permanent impairment substantially reduces your functional capacity to undertake one or more of the following activities: moving around, communicating, socialising, learning, or undertaking self-care or self-management tasks.
- The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Their role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which supports a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers.